Call for
CMTI 2024
After this has been requested by the congress participants, the committee has decided to extend the deadlines for sending papers.
- Deadline for sending abstracts: 15 April 2024
- Fecha límite envío de abstract: 30 September 2024
- Notification of acceptance: 15 October 2024
- Deadline for sending definitive papers (voluntary and after notification of acceptance): 11 November 2024
The I World Inland Tourism Congress is presented as a tool of collaboration between the academic world and the companies belonging to the tourist industry.
Inland tourism destinations have seen how the demand has grown to exceed the expectations of the planning of the public administrations, which is causing tension not only between supply and demand but also with the residents of inland tourism destinations.
This congress stresses the importance and the symbiosis of tourism with inland destinations such as reception centres and centres of tourist attraction, which need attention, investment, and planning if tourism is to be properly sustainable.
This is why there is a call for researchers to send research proposals linked to the following thematic fields:
Línea 1
SUCCESSFUL INLAND TOURISM: Inland Tourism and underlying types; Tourist events and the deseasonalisation of inland territories; Quality of Tourism; Gentrification of tourism; Social responsibility in the property and urban management of destinations.
Línea 2
MOBILITY AND INFRASTRUCTURES: Mobility and inland tourism; Technological support and tourist innovation; Strategies of connectivity and infrastructures; Technological progress: Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality.
Línea 3
RELIGIOUS AND SPIRITUAL TOURISM: The economic development and touristification of religiousness; Added value of the Holy Places.
Línea 4
SUSTAINABILITY AFTER 2030: Post-2030 scenarios; the circular economy and 360º sustainability; Universal accessibility, a reality or fantasy; Natural decrease or political intervention.
Línea 5
RESOURCES AND PEOPLE OF INLAND TOURISM: Gastronomy: a resource, an asset, or added value; the tangible and intangible heritage in inland destinations; Cultural landscapes and tourist landscapes. The role of the UNESCO; Slow Tourism vs experiential tourism.
Línea 6
INLAND: IS IT A DESTINATION? Inland tourism: the stabilising value of mass tourism; Social tourism policies; Dichotomy between the cultural agenda and inland tourism
The I World Inland Tourism Congress will include 6 parallel tables at which scientific contributions can be presented by the researchers to members of the university community and entrepreneurs specialising in the sector of international inland tourism.
The scientific committee of the congress will receive abstracts until 15th september. After an anonymous peer assessment, prior to 30th september 2024 the authors of the papers selected for presentation at the congress will be notified.
- Deadline for sending abstracts: 15 April 2024
- Fecha límite envío de abstract: 30 September 2024
- Notification of acceptance: 15 October 2024
- Deadline for sending definitive papers (voluntary and after notification of acceptance): 11 November 2024
Rules for Sending Summaries
- To be able to present papers it is essential for the main author to be registered with the Congress. Co-authors who want a certificate of the communication must also register as a professional or student; or only as co-authors without assistance (€50)
- The papers must be original, they may not have been published or presented as papers at prior congresses or conferences on the date of the deadline for sending said papers.
- The summaries presented will be assessed by the Scientific Committee in accordance with their suitability as regards the contents of the Congress.
- Only oral papers will be accepted.
- All notifications will be sent by email to the main author.
- On the acceptance of the paper he/she will be informed of the rules of exhibition.
- The papers accepted will be published in the Book of Congress Summaries in PDF format with ISBNs.
- Format
- Title and subtitle if appropriate: in lower case except for the first letter and any necessary nomenclature.
- Authors: in lower case and italics and the author presenting the paper will be the only one underlined. Surname(s) and initial.
- Centre/Organisation: in italics. Name of the centre, town/city, province, and country.
- Structure of the Abstract: Objective, material and methods, results, and conclusions.
- Languages: Spanish, English, or Portuguese.
- Format: Word document. Write with single spaces using Arial letter type size 11 with line spacing of 1.5.
- No more than 500 words.
Complete your information

Information on Committees
Who makes up the organisation and scientific committee

Where, how, when
Congress venue, hotels, How to get there…..